
Linux distribution that was built with the goal of being lightweight, secure, fast, up-to-date and be well-documented.


The documentation of the most recent version of the project can be found here.


The development is made in a branch named testing. Only when the project is in a state which may be interesting to record, the changes are merged into main and a new version is released.

Anyone interested can propose suggestions and changes via GitHub Issues and Pull Requests.

WARNING: this distribution is still on alpha versions, so it doesn’t exist a stable release yet. Take this into consideration and limit to use the operating system on virtual machines.

Issue tracking

All the issues will be atended using GitHub Issues, so please, notify them there.


The development of this distribution started after coursing Embedded Systems II subject in the University of Zaragoza.

In its first steps this distribution has been strongly inspired in Minimal Linux Live (and its previous build method), and then in Rebecca Black OS.